Contractor Management Course (SKP)

The Contractor Management Training Program was developed under the CIDB Contractor Competency Development program initiative and aims to improve the competence and skills of contractors in the Malaysian construction industry. In connection with that, this program also encourages contractors and their staff to continue to improve their knowledge and competence in the field they want to venture into.

This course is implemented by the Contractor's Certified Training Center (PLBK) which is registered with CIDB.

Participants who pass the assessment will be awarded a Contractor Management Competency Certificate (SKP) and further qualify them for: 

  • Add specification in the Contractor's Registration Certificate 

  • Bid on projects related to empowerment 

  • Get points (CCD)

Training MODE
  • This Technical Management Training is carried out for 5 consecutive days and is carried out for 8 hours a day.

  • Participants are required to attend the training before sitting the assessment. Training will be conducted by CIDB together with/through the appointed Certified Training Center (PLB). The training period is five (5) days of which four (4) days are theoretical training that includes learning all nine (9) training packages and one (1) day of evaluation exams.

  • Pass Performance Assessment Sheet (PAS) and KAS Knowledge Assessment Sheet (KAS).


At the end of the course, participants will sit an assessment test to test the level of understanding and knowledge of the participants related to the course known as Knowledge Assessment (KAS) and Performance Assessment (PAS). Test questions will be prepared by CIDB.

Assessment will be carried out based on knowledge (KAS) and performance (PAS) to course participants, as set by CIDB.

The evaluation criteria are divided into two (2) elements, as follows:

  • The first part of the performance assessment (PAS) – assessment in the form of application/simulation This assessment can be given individually or in groups. Candidates will be asked to answer by providing suggestions or solutions to a case study situation. Estimated evaluation time is five (5) hours.

  • The second part of knowledge (KAS) – individual assessment. Candidates will be asked to answer fifty (50) questions covering all nine (9) Training Packages (PL). The evaluation time is three (3) hours.

Each KAS and PAS component must test the participant's competency based on each PL found in the module as follows:

Technical Modules – PL01, PL02, PL03, PL04, PL05, PL06, PL07, PL08 and PL09

Scoring Criteria

In order to determine if the participant is eligible to receive a certificate, the participant must sit for KAS and PAS and PASS the assessment with a passing score of 70%.