Construction 4.0 brings new technologies such as Cloud Computing, Mobile Information, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and 3D printing, will play a vital role in collaboration, coordination and communication in real-time among construction stakeholders. The concept of Construction 4.0 is mainly to enhance current and future technologies for the construction industry to achieve higher productivity, better safety and towards a more sustainable approach – incorporating whole life cycle analysis. Upon reflection, looking into the mom-and-pop shops of half-a-century ago, which have now been replaced by large-scale modern entities with global supply chains and increasing digitised distribution systems; representing a new level of client-customer-consumer trichotomy that has changed the construction industry, and continuing to do so. Strategically, adopting this technological progression will have an immense impact and will potentially change the operational processes of all construction organisations covering the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). This document summarises the industry’s earnest ambitions in reshaping the dynamics of the construction industry in the years leading up to 2025; taking into consideration the 12th Malaysian Plan agenda and Shared Prosperity Vision 2030.
Technology Clustering
1. Simulation & Modelling
Cluster 1 (C1) involves simulation and modelling, a central part of Construction 4.0. As every construction project is unique, increasing with complexity and influenced by external factors (eg weather, labour performance and supply fluctuations, etc.), simulations can be applied to improve the construction operations and manage risks. Cluster 2 (C2) offers a wide range of simulation-tools, models or framework for project planning, resource planning and/or the management of projects.
2. Digitalisation & Virtualisation
Cluster 2 (C2) is related to digitalisation and virtualisation technologies. This concept focuses on the interoperability of digital project data, information management or digitalisation in general.
3. Smart Factory
Cluster 3 (C3) comprises a wide range of technologies and concepts to automate the construction process and to create a “Smart Factory” for the construction industry. The corresponding technologies of this cluster would fit the “end-to-end digital integration of engineering” which is described as one of the key features of Construction 4.0.
12 Emerging Technologies
This section shows emerging technologies in construction based on the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) conducted among construction industry in Malaysia. The information presented explains each technology briefly with duration and planned targets for the technologies to be adopted in Malaysia.
1. Prefabrication & Modular Construction
A completed manufacturing process for volumetric units of building construction systems that generally assembled in factory to form as a component prior to final installation on site.
2. Building Information Modeling (BIM)
A central repository which requires integration of fragmented disciplines of architecture, engineering and construction, and to optimise the lifecycle performance of buildings.
3. Autonomous Construction
Automatic assembly method of construction tasks by applying robot that is controlled using computer process and mechanisation.
4. Augmented Reality & Virtualisation
An interaction between human and computer which would enable an individual to distinguish both virtual and real-world object.
5. Cloud and Realtime Collaboration
Internet centric to provide free flow of Manufacturing information for construction professionals and offering a huge amount of storage resources.
6. 3D Scanning and Photogrammetry
A data acquisition and mapping tool with the ability to interpolate a photograph to become 3D models for changes monitoring.
7. Big Data and Predictive Analytic
Efficiently handle large amounts of projects data by efficiently storing, managing and process using a commodity server.
8. Internet of Things
It is the development of Internet of Things (IoT) that enables in detecting the surrounding environmental conditions which sense by objects and devices.
9. 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing
A process to create or recreate a physical object that modelled in digital version by depositing layers of materials.
10. Advanced Building Materials
Development of new materials for the industry by integrating new technologies and processes to create a new or improved product.
11. Blockchain
Distributed ledger of database in which information, records of transactions, internet protocol and others can be maintained across a network of computers.
12. Artificial Intelligence
Allow machines to imitate the human cognitive functions to enable machines to conduct tasks that is usually performed by humans via a set algorithm.